Jeff Kuss Memorial

Jeff Kuss Memorial

Captain Jeff Kuss

Captain Jeff Kuss

In 2016 after the tragic death of Blues Angels pilot Captain Jeff Kuss, the Town of Smyrna, TN was soliciting ideas on how to properly honor Captain Kuss. Veterans Forces founder, Jerry Shaffer had an idea and emailed the Town of Smyrna. The Town replied and stated that they had already selected the idea of building a park bench and displaying it at the Lee Victory Recreation Park.

Undeterred by that response, Jerry continued to pursue and setup a call with the powers to be. There he described his plan to obtain an F-18 from the Navy and put it on display as a memorial to Captain Kuss. The town loved the idea and changed their decision.

In November of 2016, Jerry visited Pensacola and met with the Blue Angels. Getting to go out on the flight line and see the Blue Angels plane that would soon become a proper tribute to Captain Kuss. This Blue Angel plane was number 3 and would be changed to Kuss’ number 6.

Veterans Forces is proud to be the vision and driving force behind this memorial that will honor Marine Corps Captain Jeff Kuss’ legacy.


Jeff Kuss Memorial

Jeff Kuss Memorial